Blushing Bouquet


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Blushing Bouquet ⚜ Bloom with beauty in this charming, Chrimson & Fuchsia Hue.

👑  Atty Mann Solitaire lips

🤎 Introducing Blushing Bouquet, a delightful blend of deep red tones & hot pink rose in a Velvet Matte finish, ideal for fresh and natural looks.

💄 Perfect for spring days or casual outings, Blushing Bouquet adds a touch of floral charm to any style.

🔥 Vegan, cruelty-free, Waterproof, and Smudge-proof. This lipstick keeps lips smooth while offering gentle, beautiful color.
💋 WhatsApp 0451 900 885 ⚜

⭐ Please note that the actual product may vary slightly in color, appearance, or design from the images shown.

Availability: In stock

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